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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Mercury Cars Pictures


These days we hack Ikea, but back in the day "real men" hacked cars. We're talking of course about hot-rodders, and of all the "vintage tin; rides on the road, probably no car has been more hacked than the original Lead Sled, the '49 Mercury Coupe. Chop-topped, lowered, shaved, flame-licked, fenders blown out or taken in, this car had a damn sight more done to it than we ever did with the Expedit shelf unit.

So here it is, our tribute to the '49 Merc. Above is a photo of the original car; click the link below to see what generations of motorheads have wrought of the Lead Sled. (And yes, that last one at the wedding has a rear-mounted flamethrower. Goodbye paparazzi chase cars.)


Mercury Cars Picture